nextgear Capital Employees Give Back

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With Thanksgiving around the corner, the holiday season is officially upon us. For many, this is truly the most wonderful time of the year. It means spending time with friends and family, giving and receiving gifts and sharing meals with the ones we love.

However, the holiday season brings with it much colder weather here in Indiana. With temperatures regularly dropping below freezing, the snow and ice are here to stay for the next few months. Being outside for more than a few minutes can become an unbearable task.

And while not a pretty fact, there are hundreds in our community who have nowhere to go during this season to escape the brutal temperatures. Indiana’s homeless population is primarily comprised of veterans, senior citizens, mentally ill, disabled, and even children. They are people like you and me who simply want to get back on their feet and support themselves and their families.

For some here at NextGear Capital, they just couldn’t sit by knowing a way had to exist in which they could directly help these individuals.

In March, a few employees began meeting twice a week during their lunch breaks to knit and crochet scarves and hats for the homeless. Thus, the NextGear Capital Knitting and Crochet Circle was created.

Right to Left: Robyn Taylor (leader of group) along with Tiffany Coulter and James Kubecki knit hats during their lunch break.

Since then, many have joined this movement. Over 25 employees, in addition to family and friends of NextGear Capital team members, began to help knit and crochet items for our community’s homeless residents. For some, this was the first time they had ever picked up knitting or crochet needles, but they took time out of their busy lives to learn a skill that would make a positive impact on those less fortunate.

In total, the group has logged over 500 volunteer hours this year to make not only hats and scarves, but blankets, gloves and other needed items.

Members of the Knitting and Crochet Circle show off some of the items they have made this year.


On October 24, the group’s hard work paid off as they spent the afternoon in Tent City passing out the 60 items they had worked hard to make this year. Additionally, they passed out snacks, water and toiletries that were donated by other NextGear Capital employees. Their contributions will help make the winter months a little easier for those who do not have a permanent home or are turned away from a full shelter.

Members of the Knitting and Crochet Circle pass out items to those in Tent City, a small homeless camp in Indianapolis.


So while giving thanks, we also encourage you to give back to those who may not have a home or a warm meal. Commit to supporting the homeless in your own community this holiday season, even if it’s just a small gesture. This is truly what being thankful and giving is about.